All Seilin & Co. shops will be holding the "BUY A SET FAIR" from November 15th (Friday) to December 1st (Sunday). If you purchase an outerwear and bottoms set from the eligible products, you will receive a 10% discount off the total order amount. Don't miss out on this great opportunity.
At Seilin & Co. stores, from November 15th (Friday) to December 1st (Sunday) We will be holding the "BUY A SET FAIR" at. From the eligible products When you purchase an outerwear and bottoms set, 10% off the total order amount. Don't miss out on this great opportunity.
* Eligible for purchase of two items at the same shop during the same transaction.
* Discount applies to each outerwear/ Tops and bottom set.
* Eligible products have a "★" or "☆" at the beginning of Item Name.
* If you purchase "Outerwear★ + Tops ★" or "Bottoms☆ + Skirt☆", it will not be eligible as it is not one set.
* If you purchase two 4-piece sets of "Outerwear★ + Bottoms☆, Outerwear★ + Bottoms☆", all items will be eligible for the discount.